Giant Custom GPTs

Unlock the Potential of AI

Bespoke AI that propels engagement, streamlines services, and amplifies your brand's voice—efficiently.

Revolutionizing Brand and Technology Consulting with Custom GPT Solutions

Welcome to Giant, where innovation meets expertise in brand and technology consulting. In an era where artificial intelligence is reshaping industries, we are at the forefront, integrating cutting-edge GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) technology into our suite of services. GPT, known for its advanced natural language processing capabilities, is revolutionizing how businesses interact with data and customers. At Giant, we don’t just use GPT; we customize it to align perfectly with your unique business objectives, whether to create compelling marketing content, provide intelligent customer service chatbots, or deliver insightful data analysis.

Understanding GPT: The AI That Understands You

Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) are at the heart of today’s AI revolution. These powerful tools understand and generate human-like text, enabling businesses to automate conversations, create content, and analyze data with unprecedented accuracy. At Giant, we harness this technology to help your brand communicate effectively, ensuring every message is precisely targeted, and every customer interaction is deeply engaging.

About Custom Gtps

Our Suite of Custom GPT Applications

Dive into our diverse GPT applications, each designed to address specific business challenges. From AI-driven customer service bots that provide 24/7 support to content generators that bring creativity to scale, our offerings are tailored to enhance your brand’s digital strategy. Explore our solutions and discover how our bespoke GPT technology can be a game-changer for your business.

Giant Custom Gpt Audience Insights And Conversion Ideas​

Audience Insights & Conversion Ideas

Expert in audience analysis, creating content hooks, and copywriting.

  • Conduct a psychographic analysis of my audience.
  • Create content hooks based on the audience analysis.
  • Write sales copy using the audience insights and hooks.
Giant Custom Gpt Content Humanizer

Content Humanizer

Refines AI text to sound human-like, tailoring to specific education levels and styles.

  • Can you make this text simpler?
  • How would you rewrite this for a younger audience?
  • Can this be more engaging?
  • Please adjust this to a scholarly tone.
Giant Custom Gpt Content Visualizer 01

Article and Section Visualizer

Generates excerpts, images, and lists for blog articles, with separate requests per section.

  • Please create an excerpt and image for my blog.
  • I have a blog post; I need a visual and excerpt.
  • Can you make an image for this article’s section?
  • Need visuals for my article, starting with the main one.

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