
Your Packaging Is the Most Elemental Expression of Your Brand

It’s the physical manifestation of its primary essence. The one piece that consumers can hold in their hands.


From Desktop to Deliverable

At Giant, we have over 30 years of experience taking complex designs from desktop to deliverable. Our experience working with retail packaging as industry insiders in printing gives us the unique ability to handle your packaging needs from idea to completion. Giant offers design services for boxes, retail packaging, pallet wraps, environmental designs, vehicle wraps, trade show displays, and functional point of sale displays. We have worked with major retailers and understand the complexity and accuracy required to get your product to press. 

We’ve got you covered!

The Details Matter

Many People Think That Product Packaging Is Only There to Make the Product Look Good

While it is true that product packaging can help to improve the aesthetics of a product, it serves a much greater purpose. Packaging details such as size, weight, materials, and even color can impact how the customer receives a product.

For example, if a product is too heavy or oversized, it may be difficult for the customer to use. If the packaging is made from cheap materials, it may reflect poorly on the quality of the product itself. And suppose the packaging is not adequately colored or labeled. In that case, it could be difficult for customers to find the product they are looking for on store shelves.

As you can see, details matter when it comes to product packaging. By taking the time to consider all the details, Giant can ensure that your products are well-received by customers in a retail environment.

Why Do I Need Retail Packaging?

You Need an Edge That Will Make Your Product Stand Out on the Shelf

With all of the noise in the retail world, it’s tough to get your product seen and heard. Standing out from the competition is essential but can be difficult without the right tools.

Retail packaging is one of the most effective ways to make your product stand out on store shelves.

With custom designs and high-quality materials, you can create a package that will catch shoppers’ eyes and help your brand stand out.

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The Packaging Design Process

Our Time Tested Packaging Design Process Works

On its surface, packaging design seems simple. You design a layout, put together some colors, and slap some text on it. Boom—you have a packaging design.

But is it that simple? How do you know if this design will connect with your target audience? How do you guarantee it will look like what you designed when it’s printed and ready for the shelf? That’s where we come in.

The first step in our packaging design process is to get to know your business inside and out. We take the time to learn about your products, target market, competition, and unique selling points. This research forms the foundation for everything else we do.

At this stage, we take the information we gathered and make a game plan for all the work needed to get your packaging ready to hit the press.

Research Matters! We go out into the world and see what your competitors are doing and how they present themselves. Once we know that, we can decide if we want the packaging to fit in or stand out.

We are ready to design the physical packaging. We look at what type of materials will be used, its shape, and its size.

Once the overall shape and size have been decided, we start on the visual design of the packaging. We will use mood boards and design comps to present several options from which the packaging design might evolve.

Once we have an approved design, it’s time to apply it to the dieline and create a 3D model or physical printed mockup of the packaging. We do this to ensure that the packaging will cut, score and fold as expected when it hits the press.

It’s time for the production work to happen. We take the approved and working design and perform all the work needed to produce the SKUs and files required to get your packaging on the shelf.

We prep the files for print and help you get your project to the printer. In some cases, we can give you the files to send to the printer, or we can submit the files for you and manage the project from file submission through the press check.


They Say You Get What You Pay For

In retail packaging design, that couldn’t be more true! Don’t let an amateur convince you they know how something will print when they’ve never even set foot in a print shop. Our team grew up in the printing industry. We have a print design first mindset. Design for print and use the same top-notch industry standard graphics on your website or other sales and marketing channels.

When it comes to packaging design, there are a few factors that will affect the overall cost.

The first is the size and complexity of the design. If you have a very intricate design, it will take more time to create and, therefore, will be more expensive.

The second factor is the materials used; if you want a high-quality finish, you’ll need to use higher-quality materials, which will also drive up the price.

Finally, the printing method can also affect cost; for example, if you need your design to be foil-stamped or embossed, that will add to the price.

Ultimately, the cost of your packaging design will depend on your specific needs and requirements. However, there are ways to save money, for example, by simplifying your design or using less expensive materials.

Keeping these factors in mind, we can create the best estimate possible for your project.

We have over 30 years in the print and packaging design industry.

Let us put our knowledge to work for you!

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The packaging we create will use the materials most efficiently. We have the knowledge to combine similar items with cutting costs of multiple print runs and reducing waste and your carbon footprint.

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What We Offer

Our Print Consulting Services

Giant’s print consulting can help you to evaluate your print needs and establish an efficient and effective print production process. Let Giant help you to navigate the complex world of printing and find the best solution for your needs.

Structural Packaging Design

We build your custom packaging from the ground up, considering how your customers will interact with what we create.

Intimate Print Knowledge

Intimate? We love the smell and feel of ink on paper and how a simple emboss or spot varnish can elevate a printed design. It’s in our blood. We love printing!

World Class Prepress

We have worked at some of the top-notch print shops on the West Coast, setting up and building complete prepress systems for large print production facilities.

Total Ink Coverage

Total ink coverage is an essential factor when you are ready to go to press on any project. This can mean the difference between a crisp or muddy print quality.

Dot Gain

We understand what this means and how it affects how your images will print on various mediums and can correct it.

Expert Photo Retouching

Over the years, we have done photo retouching for Gap, Adobe, Apple, and Raleigh Bikes, just to mention a few.

Color Correction

We have been color correcting images, presses, and proofers for print for over 30 years.

3D & Physical Models

Every package we design will be presented in 3D or as a physical mockup of the final product.

Eco-Friendly Print Runs

We consider the best ways to use the least materials in all the packaging we design.

Work With Us

Your Packaging Woes Are Over

We offer a unique combination of artistic talent and practical experience to bring your product packaging to life. Contact us today to see how we can help you get your product noticed.

Super Happy Clients

Your questions answered

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find an answer to a question you have? Contact us.

We only take on a handful of retail packaging design clients each year. Therefore, we are typically booked out a couple of months in advance. If you have been thinking of working with us, reach out as soon as possible to secure your spot!

A retail packaging project involves a lot of information gathering: notes and conversations with you, along with reviewing visual examples to get your feedback before anything is designed. We’ll discuss your business, history, goals, audience, competitors, brand personality, and more. This will set parameters and guide the design process. Since you’re involved in setting those parameters, you can be confident your brand identity will be something you love.

That one is a little hard to answer. Typically a project with one SKU and existing dielines starts at $1500. If you need custom packaging, including structural packaging design, and have more than 1 SKU, the price starts around $5,000.

Very. Your packaging is an extension of your brand and your overall product line. Any old packaging will not do the trick in today’s competitive retail environment. Let us help you design packaging that will get noticed on the shelves.

Take a look at our work here. Does it have the general style you’re after? Does it have the general style you’re looking for? You need a designer whose work matches the aesthetic you’re aiming for. You might love how a designer presents their work, or they have an excellent reputation, or you genuinely like them as a person. But if their body of work doesn’t feel like you could imagine your project fitting in, you should look elsewhere. Designers can design in different styles, but their unconscious preferences will act like a magnet pulling the design back to their sweet spot. Which hopefully is a reason you selected them in the first place.

In most cases, yes. We’d be happy to deeply dive into your existing packaging and advise you on how to streamline production and costs or quote on a packaging design refresh.

There’s no exact answer for this, but most of our projects run from 1 – 6 months depending on SKU count, complexity, and a few other factors.

Yes. Some clients have trusted print vendors they already use and simply need print-ready files they can take to them. Or, when required, I can manage the printing process for you, recommending vendors, obtaining quotes, and seeing your project through to the finish. In this case, I’ll add a print management fee to the project. You’ll pay the printer’s bill separately, saving you money since you won’t incur mark-up charges. You’ll establish a relationship with the printer, so you can easily order reprints directly.

Yes! Please take a look at our website design services here.

We can help you with content for your packaging for an additional fee.

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