
To Keep or Not to Keep: The 2023 Guide to .Net and .Org Domain Names

In the ever-evolving digital landscape of 2023, domain names continue to be a cornerstone of online identity. For businesses and individuals alike, the decision to retain or let go of domain names, especially those with .net and .org extensions, can be a strategic one. In this guide, we’ll explore the key considerations to help you make an informed decision about whether to hold onto these domain names.

Brand Protection

Your domain names are more than just web addresses; they’re a crucial part of your brand’s identity and digital footprint. Retaining your .net and .org domains can prevent others from acquiring them, safeguarding your brand from potential misuse or confusion.

SEO and Traffic Considerations

Domains that drive significant traffic or rank well in search engines are assets worth keeping. They can continue to funnel visitors to your primary website, contributing to your overall online visibility and SEO efforts.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Maintaining domain names comes with a cost. Weigh this against the benefits they offer, such as traffic, relevance, and brand protection. If the advantages outweigh the costs, it’s a clear signal to retain them.

Future Endeavors and Expansions

Planning to expand your digital presence or launch new projects? Your .net and .org domains could play a key role in this growth. Holding onto them now might give you valuable resources for future endeavors.

Audience Connection with .Org Domains

The .org extension has a strong association with non-profit organizations. If this aligns with your brand’s image or mission, keeping a .org domain can enhance credibility and audience connection in this sector.

The Value of Your Domain Names

Some domain names, due to their simplicity, relevance, or keyword richness, can be valuable digital assets. Assess the potential value of your domains as part of your digital portfolio.

Redirecting Traffic

If you’re focusing on a primary domain, other domains like .net and .org can serve as traffic redirectors, seamlessly guiding users to your main website and enhancing user experience.

Staying Abreast of Market Trends

The popularity and relevance of different domain extensions can shift over time. Staying informed about these trends can provide insights into which domains might be worth holding onto.


The decision to keep or relinquish .net and .org domain names should be a strategic one, aligned with your broader digital strategy and goals. By considering factors such as brand protection, SEO, cost, future plans, audience reach, domain value, and market trends, you can make a choice that supports and enhances your online presence in 2023 and beyond.

About the Author

Chris Stovall Lopez Island Giant Creative Commerce Skarpari Bio Photo

Chris Stovall

For over three decades, Chris has been at the forefront of brand and technology consulting, providing businesses of all sizes with exceptional service and innovative solutions. With his extensive experience and expertise, he has become a go-to consultant for companies looking to stay competitive in an ever-changing marketplace.

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